The main purpose of a Vulnerability Assessment is to ensure the overall safety of the School, Teachers, and most importantly students. While conducting a SELF-ASSESSMENT, it should always be top of mind to use your best judgment and common sense to achieve the objective. Not all circumstances are as easy as “Black and White”. With the step-by-step instructions included you and your staff will be able to be confident that your school is a safer place. It is encouraged to perform this task at least once a year. It is recommended that every effort is made to have a “Professionally” conducted School Vulnerability Assessment done as the primary review of the school’s safety. The self-assessment is an alternative used when the immediate funding or resources are not available to have one professionally conducted. It is the recommendation of NSVAP™ team members that a self-assessment should be used as a temporary alternative. When time and resources permit, the self-assessment should be replaced by a professionally conducted assessment. This assessment tool comes with: Step by Step instructions on how to perform a Self Assessment, The Assessment Tool, 1 hour phone consultation with our Law Enforcement professionals and a Climate Survey for the staff Documents will be available for download immediately after purchase.